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Category: Rowena

Rowena Chit Chat

Dear Curious Kittens, I must confess, when Tonya first introduced me to the concept of a leash, my inner feline felt a tad… shackled. After all, aren’t cats synonymous with independence? But, dear readers, just like the most tangled of mysteries, there’s always a twist! As I perched upon my outdoor throne (a fancy word […]

Breaking Mews! ✨ April Fool’s Alibi Drops Early! ☕️

Breaking Mews! ✨ April Fool’s Alibi Drops Early! ☕️ Dear Purr-fect Readers, Hold on to your whiskers, because Tonya’s got us all on a wild cat chase! In a sudden pounce of excitement, she’s decided to release “April Fool’s Alibi” EARLY! Yes, you read that right—our latest mystery is leaping off the shelves and into […]