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Category: Chapter One

☕ Cozy Mystery Time with Tonya! ☕

  Hey Cozy Mystery Family! Grab your favorite coffee, tea, or drink of choice and get ready to escape into a world of fireworks, freedom, and a little bit of felonies with me! Today, I’m thrilled to share a special treat just for you – a reading of Chapter One from my latest book, “Fireworks, […]

Moonlight, Marshmallows, & Manslaughter Chapter One

I’m super excited to post here the first chapter one of Moonlight, Marshmallows, & Manslaughter! Chapter One The full moon cast a silver glow over the Daniel Boone National Forest, turning the night into a canvas of shadow and light. It was a perfect setting for the midnight tour Queenie French was giving in honor […]

Pour-Over Predicament Chapter One

CHAPTER ONE The Bean Hive buzzed with the harmonious clatter of a typical morning—clinking cups, the hissing of an espresso machine. The shop’s rustic charm promised a comforting start to the day. The air was rich with the aroma of blended coffees and freshly baked pies, a sensory simulation of home that only the Bean […]