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Category: Maisie Doss Mystery

Tangled Lies Character Post: Boone Doss

  Camp Springs ain’t just a spot on the map; it’s a place where the soil is steeped in stories, where every whisper of wind through the tall pines carries tales of the past. It’s a town that breeds a certain kind of folk — tough as the hickory trees, with roots dug deep into […]

Chapter One: Tangled Lies

Chapter One “Maisie, what are we going to do?” Dixie asked, standing outside the curtain while I tried on a new shirt she had just gotten in for her shop. “And don’t get deodorant on the shirt either.” I glanced down and noticed the long white strip. “Too late.” I grimaced and groaned, licked my […]

HAPPY RELEASE DAY TANGLED LIES!! Release day goodies below!

  The wait is over! Tangled Lies is finally here and you can order your copy today! Welcome back to Camp Springs and fast-paced life of Maisie Doss. ABOUT TANLGED LIES: In the shadowed corners of Cincinnati, where the art is as cutting-edge as the secrets are deep, Maisie Doss is the fulcrum between law […]