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Category: Kenni Lowry Mystery

Exciting News: “Grave As All Get Out” is Here! ️‍♀️

  Hey, y’all! I’m thrilled to share some fantastic news with you. The latest Kenni Lowry Mystery, “Grave As All Get Out,” has just been released, and it’s an absolute must-read! Kenni Lowry thought being the sheriff in Cottonwood, Kentucky, was a breeze—until a psychic, claiming to commune with the dead, winds up stone-cold dead […]

Happy Reader Spotlight!

  Hey Cozy Mystery Family! We are buzzing with excitement because we’ve got something truly special to share with you today! Our wonderful ARC readers have received their early copies of “Grave As All Get-Out”, and the joy on their faces says it all. Check out these amazing photos of happy readers who are thrilled […]

Character Post From Heavens To Bribery

I can’t believe this week is releases week for Grave As All Get-Out! Can you?? Are you ready for book 10 in the Kenni Lowry Mystery Series? I’d love to know in the comments. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a fun character post from Heavens to Bribery character Patty Dunaway!   Hey y’all, […]

FREE for the next THREE DAYS!!!

  For the next three days, Fixin’ To Die is FREE on ebook!! YES!!! Be sure to grab this first in series and get to know Sheriff Kenni Lowry as she digs around Cottonwood, Kentucky!! Kenni Lowry likes to think the zero crime rate in Cottonwood, Kentucky is due to her being sheriff, but she […]