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Category: Sneak Peek

✨ Exclusive Sneak Peek Alert! ✨

  Hey Blog Family! We’ve got a super special treat for you today! Whooohooo!! As a thank you for being such amazing cozy mystery lovers, we’re giving you an exclusive sneak peek into the Sleuthing Clues Notebook that our Patreon members get to help solve a Tonya Kappes Mystery. Imagine being a part of the […]

Graphics for you!

Hello, Cozy Mystery Lovers! Are you ready for a new adventure with Mae West and her fearless sidekicks in the charming but mysterious world of Normal, Kentucky? We’re thrilled to give you the graphics for A Camper & Criminals Cozy Mystery Series’ – “Moonlight, Marshmallow, & Manslaughter”! Exclusive Graphics As a token of our appreciation […]


  Look at that tasty cover! I can’t believe that CHOCOLATE BUNNY BETRAYAL will be out in just TWO WEEKS! Squeee! This is the fifth cozy mystery in my Holiday Cozy Mystery Series. I’m tickled to be able to give you the first chapter FREE over at AND you might want to bookmark that page […]

Sneak Peek: Chapter One Outdoors, Oars, & Oaths

Chapter One “Maybelline, Maybelline. You in there?” Y’all, I heard this whisper, but it was three in the morning, and I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming it. I definitely could’ve been dreaming it. “Maybelline!” This time I knew I hadn’t dreamed it because the whisper was louder and there was a little knock on […]