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Are y’all ready to meet Mayor Paisley? Mmmhmmm, the Mayor of Holiday Junction is right here! Paisley Standafer! She belonged to our friend, Cheryl Standafer and I couldn’t thank Cheryl enough for what she did for my mama and daddy when daddy was in isolation, ICU.

Unfortunately sweet Paisley crossed the rainbow bridge a while ago but she was a real sweet gal and she could rock an outfit like no other!

This series is in her honor.

And if you think having a dog for a Mayor is weird, it’s not!

The next town over from where I live does have a dog as a mayor and you can read that here:…/rabbit-hash…/6161577002/

In the meantime, grab your copy of Four Leaf Felony now so it’s sitting hot and ready on your ereader when you wake up!

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