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FAQ Category: About Tonya

What hobbies do you have when you aren’t writing?

I love reading, binge watching my favorite shows, traveling in our camper, hiking, visiting my four adult sons and just being with family.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Goodness, it comes from all over. I hear things that would make a good mystery or see things that make me wonder how they got there. For instance in my popular A Camper & Criminals Cozy Mystery Series, I am a camper. We have a couples travel trailer and believe me…at every twist and turn or hike I find a new way to discover a body!!!!

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I don’t really believe in writer’s block. When I’m “stuck” I will start to write long hand and it might not be the best written words for the manuscript but I can always go back and cut the words.

But honestly I feel like if I’m “stuck” it means that somewhere the book took a turn where it shouldn’t’ve. Most times I can go back and reread what I’ve written and the place that doesn’t fit stands out like a soar thumb.

If that doesn’t work, I will head out into nature and walk to get my head out of my book. Driving around also helps me clear my thoughts. OR take a nap.

It really does jumpstart my writing and kicks me back on track.

Tonya, I love your books. How do you come up with the plots for them?

Oh gosh!! Everywhere. No joke. The other day I was standing in line a the Dollar Tree, I might’ve been eaves dropping, though I’d never admit it…and it just so happens that I got a really GREAT murder plot from a story this lady was telling in line….See~everywhere!