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FAQ Category: About Tonya

Have a question for me??

I love to answer reader questions.

In fact, I go live on YouTube and Facebook every Tuesday night around 6 p.m. EST where I answer a reader question.

You can send me your questions by clicking on the CONTACT button or you can hop over to YouTube or Facebook where I have a pinned post where you can submit your question there.

Are you able to meet with my book club? If so, zoom or in person?

Yes to both!

I love meeting with book clubs and Zoom (or Skype, Facebook Rooms, Google Hangout) has made it so easy to connect with readers. To request that I join your book club meeting, please hit the contact button and just send me a message.

I also love to send goodies if it’s not in person!


Do you have a fan page?

I do have a Patreon page where you get access to me!

We have so much fun in there and it’s all the behind the scene plus so many extras that’ll make your head spin!

We have zoom parties, Christmas sock exchange, Galentine’s, Friendsgiving and so much more.

We’ve built our own little village that you’re going to love!!

What is a favorite book you’ve written?

This is one of the hardest questions for me to answer and I’m sure for most authors. And honestly I couldn’t just pick one, but I can tell you that while I’m writing a book, that one is my favorite.