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Happy Fall y’all!!!

The calendar of fall starting was Saturday and when I say it came, it came!!

Yay!! It’s fall!! No joke-today when I woke up the temperature was 53! Yesterday it was 91!

Welcome to Kentucky!!! Haha!

Eddy and I are members of the local nature center. Today we hiked the 4 mile trail after we did some work at home and outside!


I loved walking the trail through the various colors of leaves that fallen off the trees.


I found some nuts along the way. Eddy had hiked a little ahead of me because I was too busy taking photos to share with y’all.


But while I was out there I got a great plot of a 2024 camper book. It’s when I’m out in nature that ideas and plots come to life.


And I’m still so in love with all the different fungi and mushrooms around.

Plus the little flower pops are cute too!


Just the cutest!!!

Have a great night!!!



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6 Comments on “Happy Fall y’all!!!

  1. Fabulously spectacular pictures
    You have discovered the best place to live. I remember you last marvelous home. Building this home was a feat worthwhile.

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