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War Birds

TEvery year over Labor Day weekend at a small airport on Cincinnati, not to far from our home, they hold a festival called Airport Days.

It’s a pretty neat little festival featuring old World War airplanes. We live in the middle of the woods across from there so we get a lot of private plane air traffic over our house. One this particular weekend we have the ability of watching some of these old war planes take off and fly pretty low.

They really are something to see and hear. My entire house vibrates as they go over. One jet in particular. It’s called the DOC. Check out my video of it going over our house.

There is ONE seat at the very tip of the nose on this plane that you can pay $1500 for the ride! There are a few other seats on this plane you can pay to ride too and they start out at $600. They were all sold out. Eddy thought it would be really cool to take a ride. Me not so much.

Still, it’s a really fun festival to go to and if you want to you, you can check out the War Birds here. 

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