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A Day In The Life Of June Heal

It’s not easy growing up with a single mother who A: likes to be called Darla and NOT mom, and B: makes a living by selling homeopathic cures at the local flea market in the tiny town of Locust Grove. The only thing that got me through it was Oscar Park (my gawky neighbor, who got me hooked on Ding Dongs) and Mr. Prince Charming (my cat who showed up on my tenth birthday with a turtle charm hanging from the worn out cat collar).

Yes, I’m a twenty-five year old cat lady, addicted to Ding Dongs, and running Darla’s homeopathic cure shop (A Dose of Darla) at the flea market. OH, yeah…and Oscar…he’s hot. I don’t mean temperature wise either. Unfortunately he’s like my brother, since both sets of parents are deceased; we’ve sort of taken care of each other.

Especially since I listened to him when he suggested we move to Whispering Falls, Kentucky. The tiny village captivated me with the talking snow globes, strange animals, quaint shops where the owners have very good insight on things, and A Dose of Darla. . .WHAT?

Come to find out, I’m from a long line of psychics with a true gift of putting homeopathic cures together that really do work, unlike Darla’s. Darla wasn’t psychic, but my father’s family was and it passed down to me. A long time ago my parents lived in Whispering Falls where Darla owned a shop, but once my father was murdered. She moved me to Locust Grove to keep me safe.

Unfortunately, I lost my lucky charm bracelet when I moved to Whispering Falls and reopened A Dose of Darla. Shortly after my move, my lucky charm bracelet was found. . . in the hands of a DEAD woman. Ah oh. . .

I didn’t kill her, but someone is framing me and putting a strain on my relationship with Oscar. But that’s only part of my problems. . .Whispering Falls has a lot of secrets and I’m discovering that my past is entangled in them.

I wish I had a real psychic power like mind reading! If you could have a psychic or magical power, what would it be?

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