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Christmas Comes Early- And Fun Giveaway

I don’t know about y’all, but a little Christmas cheer goes a long way. I can hear your eyes rolling right now as you read Christmas and probably thinking, “it’s not even Thanksgiving.”

I know, but hey, it’s 2020 so we can all use a little cheer.

Since it’s less than one week from release of Eggnog, Extortion, & Evergreens, I thought it would be a lot of fun to not only make Beaches, Bungalows, & Burglaries FREE this week, but also give away a printed and signed ARC copy of Eggnog, Extortion, & Evergreens.

I had so much fun writing in the world of Mae West and the Laundry Club Ladies. The first question I get during interviews about A Camper & Criminals Cozy Mystery is if I go camping and the second one is about the Laundry Club Ladies and how I came up with them.

I do go camping in a mini-travel trailer!


After raising four boys who loved to tent camp, I call this a luxury and technically I glampcamp. My little travel trailer has a full kitchen equipped with a microwave, a coffee bar, a dining table, a full bathroom with a tub (YES! A tub.) and a queen bed. Since we sold our home where my she-shed office was located and bought the new property where we are building our dream home, I have put the travel trailer on the property and go there every morning to write. My little camper has become my SHAMPER (she-camper!)

I get so much inspiration from being on the property and writing from the camper as I overlook our lake, just like the lake in Happy Trails Campground, the campground in A Camper & Criminals Cozy Mystery.

But the Laundry Club Ladies are also a big part of the series. Every cozy sleuth needs a sidekick, so why not four nosey and local women who meet in the local laundromat and listen to a police scanner? Of course!

I also wanted the women to be different ages so each of them brought knowledge to the mystery when it came to sleuthing. Plus, each one of them have a backstory that makes the series interesting and fun.

I rarely but a book for FREE and I just love this series so much that I want everyone to be able to escape into the fun southern, cozy world of Mae West and the gang.

Another question readers ask me is about my assistant, Rowena, and if she likes to go camping. Yes! She loves it. But actually, I think she loves just making sure I’m working.


I love answering readers questions. If you have one, please send me your question!

In the meantime, I’m giving away a printed/signed ARC copy of Eggnog, Extortion, & Evergreens right here! I’ll pick a winner on Sunday and put it in the mail on Monday.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever been camping to be entered. I’d love to know. Be sure to subscribe to this News & Chit Chat here on the website and check back on Sunday to see if you are the winner!

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162 Comments on “Christmas Comes Early- And Fun Giveaway

  1. When I was growing up, we went camping. Because we farm, summer vacations are not on our radar screen, so no camping.

  2. I don’t like to camp out but have been once and that 30 years ago but I’d love to go camping in a glamper with a toilet and shower. Thanks for the chance. I’d love to be your winner.

      1. Woohoo! I did see your email and replied just wanted to say thank you again! For some reason I don’t get notices from the blog

  3. I haven’t been camping since I was a kid honestly. I’m too attached to showers, bathrooms and comfy bed lol. And there was a snake in the sleeping bag during one of our girl scout trips that ruined it for me haha

    1. I don’t camper camp for too many days. We do have a shower and bathroom plus a kitchen AND a queen bed so it’s pretty glamping.

  4. I’m like you and love to glamp. I’ve done the tent thing a few times but sleeping on the ground with no toilet is just not as much fun. I love the way you describe Mae Wests little camper. It sounds adorable.

  5. I’ve been a couple of times (though never had to put up a tent). I have camped in France, Kenya, Botswana and Costa Rica but never in my home country of England p.

  6. The closest I’ve come to camping was when we went to Two Rivers State Park near Fremont, Ne. We stayed in old railroad cabooses that had been refurbished to allow for people to stay in them. They were quite rustic. My husband and I slept in the cupola. Kids slept in bunk beds in one half of the caboose.

  7. I love our camper! We have a 28ft trailer that stays in storage in Southern Illinois near our farm land. The land has no house, so for hunting season & just getaways, we keep it stored in the Mill Creek State Park which is 1/4 mile from the farm. I grew up camping until I got married, then when the girls were little we started tent camping. After many rained out trips & not enjoying the hard ground we bought our first travel trailer. I love it!

  8. Hi Tonya, happy Friday….the 13th! In 2020. Oh boy. :). We camped all the time when I was a child, my grandparents were camp hosts for a small campground in the UP of Michigan where we lived. My husband and I also camp every chance we get. We started out in a tent and then about 15 years ago, my grandmother gave us a small camper. Just last year we finally upgraded to a 30 foot that has an actual bedroom in it and it has been pure bliss! We still camp at rustic campgrounds and just use the battery for a little bit of electricity in the camper. When winter comes around, I am very sad because I know that camping is done until spring. Thank you for the chance to win your book!

  9. Yes, I’ve been camping when I was little. I’m trying to convince my husband we need to buy a camper! I just sigh every time we drive by the trailer parks around Table Rock Lake. Thanks for the chance!

  10. I went camping many years ago with my sister and her two kids. I was probably in my early 20’s. We had tents and campfires. Had to walk in the woods to use the bathroom. Very rustic camping. It was fun with my nieces. Sadly her youngest daughter died in a car accident at 15. I have pictures of us going on that camping trip in 1983. That was nice to have memories.

  11. Yes, when I was a kid I went camping with my grandparents. Not a big fan of camping. What I did like was the food. Somehow it tasted better.

    1. I love camping! From when I was a baby with two older siblings, every summer my parents took us up to Lake of the Woods, where we spent 8 weeks. It became a home away from home. I remember over the years, we had the same “neighbors” and looked forward to seeing them every summer. We spent huge amounts of time out on the lake boating, fishing, swimming and rafting. Evenings were cozy times with a constant fire going. One if my favorite smells was waking up and smelling the fire. As a parent of two teenagers, I continued the tradition with my own family. I wouldn’t want it any other way and the memories are always cherished

  12. My family camped a lot when I was young. We lived in Europe for a few years and got to travel all over. I have good memories of those travels! Recently, my husband, son and I pitched the tent and had a campout in our backyard. I hope to take my family camping in the coming year. My husband wants us to get an RV and travel all over the country camping here and there.

  13. I love camping, I haven’t been since I got married as hubby doesn’t. As a child we would hike the national park for a month each summer. Our dog had her own backpack carrying her food. We also would go in our vow camper to finishing lake with my grandparents and camp, fish etc.

  14. I’m not sure if this counts. I used to go sleep away camp for two weeks every summer as a kid. Most of the time we slept in cabins. We has sleeping bags on bunk beds but no indoor plumbing. The bathrooms were called The Greenies. No hot water but we did have showers. No luxury by any means but not sure if that counts as camping. However once each week we did an overnight in Stokes State Forest. We had a campfire and made hot dogs, s’mores and told ghost stories. All the things. Than slept under the stars. At the time I loved it. Now I’m not so sure sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground would be quite as enjoyable. lol

  15. Went camping in a Large drivable camper one Memorial Day weekend. Slept thru the night wishing the rain would stop. Next morning we awoke to campground Kaos. Tents were swamped, tree limbs on the ground, firewood soaked. We felt guilty for having such a peaceful dry night.

  16. I have been camping a few times in a tent, but think that I would like the camper better. Thanks for the chance to win, I love Mae and the Laundry Club Ladies!

  17. I have camped as a young girl wth the Girl Scouts and then as I got older my parents had a camper. We travelled all over the southern east coast. It was wonderful to be able to see so much. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. My fingers are crossed.

  18. Camped with the Girl Scouts when I was younger, but not something I thought about doing as an adult. I think I would be a glamper if I were to try. Your setup sounds like fun!

  19. My parents liked to camp, but I do not. My husband and I usually stay in a tiny cabin with our kids if we go on a canoeing trip.

  20. I used to camp every summer for 2 week. I haven’t in years but would love to again!! We would camp at a nearby lake, have campfires, and play water sports. It was great!!

  21. The only time I went camping (except for Girl Scouts) my husband got scared by a raccoon messing around in the ice chest and ended up spending the night in the car!

  22. I grew up camping and we drove around Lake Superior (Lake Superior Circle Tour) in Upper Michigan and Canada and camped as a family along the way

  23. Yes! When I was a Senior Girl Scout, I went camping with our troop a number of times. I remember camping in the autumn. When I woke up in the morning, the flap on my sleeping bag was icy since I had snuggled in and breathed on it during the night. Brrrrrrrr!

  24. I have never been camping and have no desire to do so. Closest I came was spending a few nights in a camper in my in-laws’ back yard . The heat kept going out. Ugh…!

  25. I love camping especially this time of year. There is nothing like waking up right before the sun comes up to find deer walking around the camp ground. I just love the peace and quite.

  26. Some of my husband’s and I first dates were tent camping with friends. We took our 4 kids cabin camping often.

  27. I camped once when I was a little kid. Had a rotten sleep since we pitched the tent in a gravel driveway. Sleeping on top of stones is terrible! My parents loved staying in a cabin in Wisconsin during the summer and going fishing. That was fun but can’t say that it qualifies as camping in a tent. I like my toilet facilities and clean bed sheets! LOL! Fantastic contest! Would love to win one of your books! Can’t wait until Sunday to see who is the lucky person!

  28. I was a Girl Scout Leader and went camping with my troop several times. Our family also participated in a family camp with our son’s Boy Scout Troop. I must admit, I’m not much of a camper. We had quite the weekend of hilarious mishaps at that one!

  29. I started camping in the 70’s with my mom and dad. Mostly camping at race tracks. Then moved on to a camping club. Flash ahead to 2000 and my family started camping. Nothing like food cooked over a fire.

  30. My husband and I love to camp! We started in a tent then got a pop up. We recently purchased a new camper and we’re going this weekend!!! Love this series!!

  31. When I was a kid we went camping a lot with the family and then as a tween, my step-sister and I would camp on my grandma’s back forty.
    At least 20 years had passed before in July of 2019 I went down to Arkansas to camp in a trailer with two high school friends. While the company was awesome, I realized I’m not as much of a camper any more… even in a trailer. Give me a B&B with a winery nearby since that’s more my style now. 😉

  32. We used to go a lot when I was little and then as a teen I went with friends. We are currently in the market for a motorhome, we wanted to go and get out this year, but it’s looking like Spring at the earliest. We have a pile of things ready to supply the motorhome when we get it. Narrowed it down to 2 near us. I’m getting pretty excited!

  33. When my children were little, we camped frequently. We had lots of fun times and made lots of great memories. One of the best was tent camping on the beach when a huge storm blew in. My boys tent was going to blow away and they were laying inside holding it down watching out through the door. We stayed there watching the storm until early morning when the winds become too strong and we had to pack up and go home.

  34. Went camping several times growing up but really went quite a bit when my son was growing up Very nice camping spots when we lived in AZ

  35. Yes I have been camping and I must say that I’m not a fan, lol. I think the first time I went it was in a tent and it rained so much that we woke up in the middle of the night ‘floating’ on the air mattress (this was in the 60’s so you can imagine the ‘swimming pool air mattress we used, lol) and had to sleep the rest of the night in the car. Maybe that was the start of the dislike of camping, lol.

  36. Our family used to go camping ALOT. Until the F-5 tornado on 5/3/99 in Oklahoma City carried our camper away and we never found it.

  37. I have been camping many times in my life. From the sleeping up high on a cot to avoid rattlesnakes to camping with a nice motorhome. I much prefer having a neat bathroom nearby. I am so looking forward to Glamping

  38. I have not been camping since I was a kid. I did attend 4H camp that was in cabins. Glamping would be more my current style.

  39. We do go camping. Went more when the kids lived here at home. Nothing like getting up to pee in the cold and dark at 3am, disoriented from sleep, walking to the shower house wondering what’s out there, what is that weird noise!! ha LOVE your writing!! 🙂

  40. Love your stories! Yes, we camped in a 27-foot camper when our girls were younger in elementary school. Plenty of “back that thing up” fussing with hubby at the campground to get hooked up, and terrified when we unknowingly pulled it up the Blue Ridge Parkway when following MapQuest directions back then, whew! All worth it when we settled in near the Biltmore Etate and had snow on Thanksgiving that year!

  41. I haven’t been camping in ages. I did so as a Girl Scout and also took my son when he was in Boy Scouts. At 77 tent camping is definitely a TMW (too much work) and sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag is not great for my arthritis.
    fond memories of when I did camp

  42. The last time we went camping was when my son was in 5th grade and we went to Lassen National Park as part of a school trip. He’s now 35 trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life.

  43. For my Grandaughter’s 10th birthday we took her and 10 of her friends camping. We had a large 10 capacity tent for them and a tent for my wife and I. Thankfully they all fell asleep around midnight. It was a fun memory for her and a blessing for us.

  44. I love camping but haven’t been in years….my husbands idea of camping is in the ground in the open and I much prefer at the minimum a tent, preferably a trailer…lol

  45. We love camping and have gone every year until this year. Our favorite place to go is Donner Lake, CA. We always had a tent and later got a tent trailer.

  46. I went camping with my brother a couple of times. We were pretty young then. Now he and his wife go camping all the time, they have an RV now. That or a camper would be a must for me now.

  47. Yes! Once took our trans van up to top of Pikes Peak! The dual wheels were hanging off the road.
    Absolutely love camping- both tent and camper

  48. Yes, I grew up camping with my family!! Dad started out with a tent and graduated to a pop up!! We never went any bigger because he said that was not camping!! We got to see alot of the US that way!! I absolutely loved it!!
    I was hoping to raise my kids with camping, however, my husband didnt appreciate it!! He prefers hotels and motels!!
    I’m so thankful to my parents for giving us kids the wonderful experiences of camping!! Forever memories!!

  49. I’ve never been camping, but my husband and I talk about getting a travel van as we live in a different state from all of our families – we’re spread out all over the country! We want something easy to drive and park but comfortable to spend the night in. Hopefully it will make traveling around more fun!

  50. I have never been camping. The rest of my family has, but I have not. I cannot go camping. I am allergic to it.

  51. I’ve never been camping. It wasn’t anything my parents were interested in when I see a kid. As an adult I’d like to go at least once.

  52. I love camping!! Missed it this year….and after having a camper on the truck to a pop up Coleman camper, we are back to tent camping!!!

  53. Yes I camped as a kid and when we were married we camped all the time, in fact when my daughter was 4 months old we went tent camping. We still camp

  54. I have been camping since I was a young kid. My parents had a pop up for many years. When I met my husband we camped in a tent. We took our youngest daughter camping at 5 months old…still in a tent. It wasn’t until 4 years ago we finally bought a 29’ Mallard. We are glampers now!

  55. We owned a pop-up when our kids were young and later we had a camper trailer for awhile. It was so much fun when our kids were young and we went camping. I hope to be able to take our grandchildren camping when they get a little older.

  56. We when camping as a kid. We had a pop trailer that always link on the side my brother and I sleep on. We traveled up and down the East Coast visiting battlefields.

  57. Travel trailers are the best if you must “camp”. We have been many times and a personal shower and potty are non negotiationable!

  58. We had a pop up camper when I was a kid and we used to go camping all the time. I also went with the girl scouts several times. Not any more mostly because I need a bed and a bathroom.

  59. I haven’t camped since my Girl Scout Days. I have tried to talk my hubby into trying it, but he always refuses. After 43 years, I don’t think I will change his mine.

  60. I used to camp quite frequently. At 71 years of age now, it’s been a while. Now I spend more time reading about others’ camping trips! Thanks for this chance to win a copy of your book.

  61. I have never camped. My idea of camping was staying at a motel! I am so in love with this series and never thought I would because of not loving camping. Took me awhile to start the first one but then I was hooked. So looking forwarding to the new one. I also love your news letter so much.

  62. I went camping a lot as a child. The tent variety. It always rained. I feel like I’ve done my duty to nature.

  63. I have camped in several areas of Coloradan, Utah and Alabama and Florida. We loved it and also camped with several other family friends.

  64. Tonya you Rock!! I have camped my whole life. This year we camped every weekend. My hubby had to work during the week. He would take our camper out on Thursday night so I could be there 3 days. Your books are the best for me at the campground. I love all of the characters in your books. I have a group of friends like the laundry club ladies. When ever the cookie crumble is mentioned I have to find something yummy. I love your books. So relatable for me because I grew up in a campground similar to Happy Trails.

  65. We always went camping when I was younger! It was the best thing I couldn’t wait for summer to come! My family is not into camping but I do get them to take treks out in the woods to explore nature!

  66. I have been camping, but not in a long time. I might enjoy glancing, bit I’m not a fan of camping in a tent.

  67. Wow! You brought back a lot of childhood memories for me. I loved caping when I was a kid, but I haven’t done any since I was a teen.

  68. Went camping a lot as kids. Only once as an adult and it was killer on mine and my husband’s backs. But our kid loved it and it was a very memorable trip. We still talk about it.

  69. My great aunt and uncle took my sister and I camping every summer. I became friends with some of the other seasonal campers there, too. To this day, we’re still friends! 30+ years

  70. I went camping once as a Girl Scout. We were in platform tents. One tent was infested with large spiders + the second night we woke up to find ice in the water buckets by the fire. Everyone kept on their pajamas + added whatever else they had to stay warm. Oddly enough I never did outdoor camping again lol

  71. I loved camping! started out with just a sleeping bag under the stars then went to a tent and finally went to a 5th wheel camper. don’t go much now since my parents passed away.

  72. I went camping when I was in college. It must have been “love” because tent camping and shared bathrooms or outhouses are NOT my jam. So lucky that relationship didn’t work out. My hubby has the same idea that I do about camping. Our idea of roughing it is a Holiday Inn Express.

  73. We used to go camping every year in Elkhart Lake during the motorcycle races. It was tent camping and we were always woken up by the sound of motorcycles at the track.
    Now to think of being in a tent, my body hurts. Lol!

  74. Thank you for the giveaway! This is my mom’s favorite series so I’d love to surprise her with Mae’s newest adventures. I am not a very outdoorsy girl and camping has never appealed to me, not even as a little kid.

  75. My husband and I go camping in our small travel trailer. My favorite spot is on the coast. Quite often there are grandcuties who join us.

  76. I have been camping and backpacking. I have slept in a tent in Vermont, Ohio, Montana and a few other states, in a tipi in South Dakota and now my husband and I own a little thirteen foot Scamp that we will be using to travel around the United States, Canada and Alaska.

  77. The book was as a great could not figure out who the murders was. I was completely taken h surprise When it turned out to be the person it was O won’t reveal who. Loved the book and looking forward to the next one.B

  78. We camped out all the time when the kids were younger. Now that I am retired but still raising my grand daughter, I’ve got sever back problems and we haven’t gone camping in years. I really miss it!

  79. I first camped with my family at the age of four. Over the years we camped all over America, Canada and even in Mexico. I had visited all 50 states by the time I hit 40, mostly because of camping. And none of those wimpy RVs either. Tent camping separates the true camper from the dilettante. I still bring my tent and closed cell mattress to my brother’s cabin in Northern Minnesota when there is a family gathering so the people who require a bedroom can have one.

  80. I went camping a few times many years ago but not in recent years. My parents bought a camper after my sister and I grew up and left home.

    1. Oh! Fun for your parents! I have to admit, we ended up buying better campers after our kids grew up. They were good at messing up so I knew better than to buy new when they were kiddos.

  81. Been camping many times. First time I was about 10. My mom and step-dad decided we should vacation at his brothers in Texas, sounds cool. So on a balmy humid August day, we hitched the popup camper to a Volkswagen rabbit with a carton carrier, piled me and my 2 siblings in the backseat with literally no wriggle room or air conditioning and headed off from North Dakota to the warm south. Loud, sweaty and one of the most memorable trips I’ve taken.

  82. We took our three sons and two dogs to the nearest state park but we cheated . We stayed in a cozy little cabin. We all had a great time and have been itching to go back.

  83. I love to go camping but I’m past sleeping on the hard ground! Lol we used to camp growing up on the Tennessee River and the campground only had cold water in their showers! We slept in tents and in the camper beds in the back of trucks. Great memories but give me cabins and campers now! Lol

  84. We used to take the kids camping in tents. They leaned to lash branches into shelves on trees, cook in the fires coals with hobo packs, wrap visqueen around the trees for privacy bathroom in a bucket. We taught them all sorts of crafts and chores the old way. Sort of survival tools. Fun to see them sharing with their own kids now.

  85. When I was growing up, camping was our vacation every year, except we had a tent and cots and Coleman camp stoves, and we had the best times! My family and friends had some of the most wonderful times of my life, and I love camping. My husband, grown son and I now have a camping trailer to do our traveling and camping in — we still love camping, but my older bones don’t like cots as well as they did when I was 10 years old lol.

  86. When I was a kid we went camping and had a Lovebug trailer. We went to Luckey, Ohio. We had a raft too and a little black and white TV that was orange. The raft and portable sink were also orange!

  87. I have camped, when I was younger and could sleep on the ground and still get up in the morning! I tent camped, and even spent a few nights at a site on the Appalachian Trail. One night and most of the next day it rained, and rained- felt like I was mildewy by the time I dried out! But I enjoyed the experience of being there!

  88. The last time we camped was at the Berlin – Ichthosaur site in Nevada. It was fascinating there was an old gold mine and of course the ancient fish dig. We even had the guest rattlesnake cross the camp site while we were there!

  89. Yes, we used to go camping all of the time. However, after living in a small camper for over year, I refuse to go camping anymore. It was fun camping until then.

  90. I was lucky when I was a kid and went to a cottage.
    As an adult went tent camping. Just got a new tent, but only went one time this year. I would love to have a camper. However, went on a road trip in 2016 in a Ford van that we put a bed in, so kinda went camping then too.

  91. We just recently went camping in our pop-up at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine, Florida. It was most definitely my favorite place to camp.

  92. There is nothing like sleeping under the stars!
    I have been going camping since I was in diapers and I just love it! Catching fish as the sun rises, swimming in our favor hole, and basking in the warm sunshine.
    Building a warm fire to roast a dog or make a s’mores and then opening up all the windows in the tent and looking up at the stars while the night animals sing! Omg! There is nothing like it, so peaceful and freeing!

  93. Yes. My family loves to go camping. We camp as often as we can, from spring until fall. I went camping with my family as a child but not as much as we do now with our own family. My kids have grown up camping.

  94. I have Camped in tents and trailers. It’s got to be a trailer though from now on. Every time, I mean every time, even when I was a little girl, it would rain while I was camping.

  95. I have camped since I was a little girl. My parents and 4 siblings and our dogs would hop in the station wagon pulling our tiny travel trailer, every summer, and drive a different route from Texas to New York to visit relatives. When my husband and I had children we would tent camp on the beach in Port Aransas, Texas with them and our dogs.

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