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Tag: recipes

Campfire Chili

A couple of weekends ago Eddy and I took shamper camper.

We decided to get a campsite on lake which is about an hour and twenty minutes away from home.
I knew I wanted to take some time that weekend to make some recipes over the campfire for the upcoming books. It was a perfect weekend to make chili and I ended using my cast iron skillet over the fire for it too! I’ve attached a photo of the recipe and the link will take you to the recipe to download as well.

The recipe I have can be used for over the fire or stove top. I hope you enjoy this exclusive recipe that’s  in the EGGNOGS, EXTORTION, & EVERGREENS!
And let me know if you make it! A picture would be even better!! Happy Wednesday!



Check your mailbox! It’s release day for POST MORTEM!

Happy release day for Bernadette Butler and the Front Porch Ladies! Bernadette finds herself right back in a murder mystery after her mail carrier truck breaks down and she uses her bicycle to finish her routes. She’s not alone on the route!

Rowena wanted to go for a little ride and is usually a good girl in the bike’s basket. Not today! Something caught Rowena’s eye and she jumped out of the basket, bringing Bernadette to a halt. When Bernadette grabs up Rowena and tries to see what caught Ro’s eye, it was a dead body! Not just any dead body! It’s the dead body of a beloved husband and father of the community!

Bernadette understands how the fatherless child and the widow feel. Remember…Bernadette our seasoned sleuth had a similar past, which makes Bernadette on a mission to find out who did something so terrible and to bring killer to justice! I am having so much fun writing Bernadette! I hope you enjoy your trip to Sugar Creek Gap and super excited to read your reviews!




Today we are celebrating POST MORTEM with a fun release day party! We are having PIE and giveaways! What?? Pie? HUH?

Yep! Grab your favorite pie and snap a photo ! We love it! Join us for community and have a good time talking about PIE and of course Bernadette and the ladies!


I’m super excited to share your very own sleuthing document! I purchased this from Victoria Designs on Etsy! How fun is that??




I’m super excited to be giving away FOUR ARC copies today only!! How do you win? SIMPLE! Fill out the form and come back tomorrow to see if you win!

Post Mortem

It’s also got…

• friendship

• laughter

• grumpy and nosy women who hang out on a front porch.

• the beautiful campground

• a sleuthing cat

• a sweet romance

• the kind of happily ever after we could all use right now


Available in ebook, paperback, and KindleUnlimited!

AND I’m super excited to be giving away FOUR copies of Post Mortem! Fill out this form and winners will be announced on my blog tomorrow!

Character Guest Post: MOTHER Barbara Butler + Recipe

Character: Barbara Butler
Series: Mail Carrier Cozy Mystery written by Tonya Kappes


Well…butter my biscuit and welcome to The Wallflower Diner. I’ve got you a two topper over yonder or you can mosey on up to the counter. I see a few stool open next to my regulars.

You know how regulars are. They come in at the crack of dawn and don’t leave until I shoo them away. But today they’re here waitin’ on Bernie.

Oh! She’s my daughter. She’s also the mailman for our family diner. And don’t be goin’ and correctin’ my language. I know she gets all offended when I call her a mailman. She says, “Mom! I’m a mail carrier. Times have changed,”

I’ll let you in on a little secret! Not a lot of times have changed. You see all them regulars up there, well they are waitin’ on Bernie to deliver the mail because she’s got all the scoop on the dead body they found over at the gas station.

Rumor has it’s Simon Little, but that’s hearsay. I’m not gossiping or nothing. Just trying to figure it all out so you know…we can pray.

Anyways, you’re not here to hear me gab. You’re here for a tasty recipe and I’ve got the best country gravy this side of the Mississippi!

🕵️‍♀️📫Have you read the first three books in the Mail Carrier Cozy Mystery Series? Now is the time to grab the first three books so you’ll be all caught up in the Mail Carrier Series when POST MORTEM releases on MAY 27th 🕵️‍♀️📫




All She Wrote is on sale for only .99 this week only!