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Tag: five days of Christmas Camper Giveaways

Day 3 of Five Days of Christmas Camper Giveaway + Recipe!

Gluten Free Ding Dongs

Don’t those look so good???


But first let’s congratulation Richard Goodrum for winning day two!🎉🥳🎉 Congratulations to Richard! 🎉🥳🎉
He was is the daily winner for Day 2 of my 5 Days of Christmas Camper giveaway!
Richard has won a signed copy of Christmas, Criminals, and Campers from my A Camper and Criminals Cozy Mystery Series, and camper tote along with a It’s a Southern Mystery Y’all measuring spoon.

Today’s prize is a signed print copy of CHRISTMAS, CAMPERS, & CRIMINALS, camper tote, camper brush and mirror, It’s A Southern Mystery Y’all measuring spoon! So cool! I love all of these. Be sure you’ve scrolled down and entered to win.

Y’all know I love Ding Dongs. Eddy and I both love sweets. Baking is something I’ve always done. When Eddy was diagnosed with gluten issues and we had to move to a gluten free diet, baking sorta changed. This was back about nine years ago when there wasn’t much out there about being gluten free.

It was by a lot of trial and error that I finally got the recipe for Ding Dongs perfect! They taste so good! You can’t tell the difference between the real ones and the ones I made.

I even put together a video a couple of years ago when I was making them and took you to the grocery store with me. The store is called Jungle Jim’s. It’s an international store that’s HUGE and is so popular that it has tours. I hope you watch the video and try making the Ding Dongs! I’ve also got the recipe card below.


Grab the download of the recipe here!


a Rafflecopter giveaway