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Bev Nickel Root
I love the little bit of alternate reality that I can escape too. I love your quirky characters’ personalities. I feel like I make new friends and I can’t wait to see what they are up to. I love your books.


-Yolanda D. Scott
To next your books are like an escape from the boring obvious you are a fantastic writer whom I throughly enjoy. I love your style, your personality is warm and sincere. I imagine that each character has something of yourself in each. There are only 4 Cozy writers I feel I could write forever about, you so happen to be one. Thank you for your open heart and gift to express .


Judy Dickerson
When I read, I want to be immersed in a different world. I want to care about the characters, and to feel like I’m living in their world with them. If I can exercise my brain with a mystery to solve, so much the better. Your books bring me that feeling. I want The characters lives to work out. I want their relationships to work, & their mysteries to be solved. I don’t want the stories to end, but I want to find out what happens- which is a whole different kind of frustrating