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Tag: camping

Happy happy November!!!!!

Happy happy November!!!!!

I have to thank Rowena for stepping up to her job and actually working last week. I heard she complained a lot to Mr. Mu Mu but I also heard she didn’t go too many hours without getting a few extra treats during her work day….

Anyways, last week I took a full week off writing for the first time in over 14 years. I’ve been publishing for 14 years and I can’t believe it. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun!!!

Speaking of fun, that was what I would call last week! There were six couples and each one of us took night to cook. We played a lot of games and just spent some much needed down time together.

The cool thing about the campground, James Island Campground, was how they were over Halloween and already decorated for their Christmas Lights and Santa Land event! It was amazing really!! We celebrate Halloween and the next day they had a lot of Christmas lights up and I mean a lot!!

It’s actually open to the public but cost $40 to drive through them. I’ll be posting som of those in the weeks to come!