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Publisher: HarperCollins

A Ghostly Suspect

A funeral, a ghost, a murder . . . It’s all in a day’s work for Emma Lee Raines . . .
especially when the ghost turns out to be someone very dear to her heart. Debbie Dually, psychic and friend who has guided Emma Lee since the she was bopped on the head from a falling plastic Santa, local undertaker Emma Lee Raines is told she’s suffering from “funeral trauma.”

Debbie Dually is the one who informed Emma Lee that she wasn’t crazy, she was a Betweener, someone who can communicate with ghosts with the not-so-dearly departed. In fact, she told Emma Lee how she was the only one that could help solve their murder to help them rest in eternal peace.

This time Debbie Dually finds herself needing Emma’s help. This means solving her own murder.
Emma goes deep undercover as a fake psychic in order to see into the past and help Debbie cross over. Emma Lee doesn’t realize this opens up a whole can of new Betweener clients that refuse to leave her alone.

When Emma Lee is tagged as the number one suspect in Debbie Dually’s death, her handsome state trooper boyfriend, Jack Henry, has no choice but to come back to Sleepy Hollow and get to the bottom of what is going on before it’s too late and Emma Lee goes to the state pen for a very long time.

A Ghostly Secret

Emma Lee Raines, proprietor of a small-town Kentucky funeral home, Eternal Slumber, is a “Betweener,” helps ghosts stuck between here and the ever-after— only murdered ghosts. After Emma Lee solves who murdered them, only then can they cross over to the Great Beyond, Big Guy In The Sky.
Emma Lee is up against a cold case that happened before she’d even gotten her “Betweener” gift. Not only is the ghost of eight-year-old Betsy Lynn Brady, but Mr. Whiskers Betsy’s cat needs to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Betsy Lynn Brady has no idea who murdered her or why. With her heart in shambles, Emma Lee begs her sexy beau, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross to reopen the cold case because Betsy’s head is always stuck in a book and can’t remember exactly what happened to her.

Emma Lee learns real fast that someone doesn’t want her to snoop around the cold case. Can she help Betsy cross over and get Mr. Whiskers cross the Rainbow Bridge before someone helps Emma Lee check out from the living?

A Ghostly Mortality

That ghost sure looks . . . familiar


Only a handful of people know that Emma Lee Raines, proprietor of a small-town Kentucky funeral home, is a “Betweener.” She helps ghosts stuck between here and the ever-after—murdered ghosts. Once Emma Lee gets them justice they can cross over to the great beyond.


But Emma Lee’s own sister refuses to believe in her special ability. In fact, the Raines sisters have barely gotten along since Charlotte Rae left the family business for the competition. After a doozy of an argument, Emma Lee is relieved to see Charlotte Rae back home to make nice. Until she realizes her usually snorting, sarcastic, family-ditching sister is a . . . ghost.


Charlotte Rae has no earthly idea who murdered her or why. With her heart in tatters, Emma Lee relies more than ever on her sexy beau, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross…because this time, catching a killer means the Raines sisters will have to make peace with each other first.

A Ghostly Reunion

Emma Lee Raines sees dead people

Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl—trying to come between Emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again.

There’s only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash-talking ghost—solve the murder so the former prom queen can cross over.

But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated Miss Popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get to the twisty truth.