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FAQ Category: The Most Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a writer and would love for you to write me blurb for my book or even just critique it, can you?

What a great honor!!! I’m just floored anyone would ask me to do this!

Unfortunately for legal reasons, I’m unable to read or critique any works in progress.

I have a very hectic publishing schedule, I’m unable to accept most blurb requests.

But you’re more than welcome to send a request through the contact button.

When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

After a bottle of wine and a little liquid courage…

Hahahaa!! I’m joking- sorta.

I didn’t read as a child. I didn’t read as a young adult nor as an adult until I was in my mid thirties! In fact, I have a report card from the 3rd grade where my teacher wrote how I would’ve done much better in English if I’d only turned in ONE of the THREE required book reports.

BUT in my mid-thirties and by joining a book club because they told me there was chocolate and wine, did I truly discover how I could escape my daily life while I was reading a book.

Fast forward a few years and while at the same book club, not only did my husband tell me right before the members came to my house that I could tell a story better than the book club pick I’d chosen, but the members told me I should put the story I’d told them in a book.

Well…after book club and a little bit of wine, I woke my husband up and asked him if he thought I could help someone escape with a story. He said yes and then told me to go to sleep.

The next day I went to Walden’s Book Store and bought a real pretty journal and pen. That afternoon I started writing my first book underneath an Oak Tree while watching two of my sons pee-wee football practice.

As we say in the south…it was all she wrote! I never turned back.