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Saturday, September 23, 2023

2023 Madison Book Fest at Madison County Public Library


2023 Madison Book Fest at Madison County Public Library

Event Details
After a two-year break, Berea Book Fest is expanding to become Madison Book Fest and moving to the Richmond Library. On Saturday, September 24th, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM, visitors can listen to panel discussions, hear presentations on the craft, talk with authors, and purchase books. At 3:00 PM, there will be two free writing workshops.

Over 20 authors will be there to meet fans and make new ones. Readers can find fantasy, poetry, true crime, romance, mystery, history, memoir, and more from well-known and newly published authors.

Fantasy and S-F your thing? Shannon McRoberts writes The Monster Hunter Tales and The Ares Chronicles among other titles and poetry collections. Lindsey Frantz created the Upworld series and collaborates with authors Michelle Wilson and K.D. Reid on the story collections in the Hidden Worlds series.

Interested in Kentucky history and true crime? You’ll want to meet William Carman, Randolph Runyon, and former FBI Special Agent William Plunkett.

What about a fun cozy mystery? Be sure to check out Kentucky’s own cozy mystery author, Tonya Kappes!

Looking for new ideas for dinner? Dayna Seelig offers a slew of recipes featuring bourbon and wine in Beyond the Glass and Kentucky Spirited Treasures.

Love a good romance? Check out Chasity Bowlin’s Regency romances and Abigail Keame’s “The Last Chance for Love” series.

Does poetry move you? Tina Parker, Libby Jones, and Julie Hensley have you covered.

Check our website and Facebook page throughout the month for the full list of authors and the schedule of presentations, panels, and workshops.


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