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Grave Deception is here!!


Ready to dive into a high-stakes mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat? You’re in luck! Grave Deceptionis now available on all platforms, including print, for those who love to turn the pages.

In this thrilling tale, undercover work is no game, and Maisie Doss is all in. When she’s pulled deeper into a web of deceit, crime, and danger, she finds herself face-to-face with the most challenging mission of her life. But it’s not just the criminals she has to worry about—Maisie also has to navigate the treacherous waters of trust and betrayal.

Here’s a sneak peek of what Maisie is up against:

“Monty stood by the door, his face a mask of tension. ‘I need you to do this, Maisie. We both know there’s no backing out now.’ I stared at him, every instinct screaming to walk away. But walking away wasn’t an option, not when I was this deep in the game. ‘Alright,’ I said, my voice steady. ‘But if this goes south, it’s on you.’”

Grave Deception has already garnered rave reviews from early readers:

“Gripping, intense, and impossible to put down! Maisie Doss is a heroine you’ll root for until the very last page. A must-read for anyone who loves a fast-paced mystery!”

Use the BUY link below to get your copy today and dive into Maisie’s world of secrets, suspense, and undeniable intrigue.


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