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Bonus Post: Aunt Maxi POV

I wrote a bonus scene just for my cozy mystery readers—and you can download it for free on my website (link in bio!), print it off, and keep it in your book! ☕️✨

It’s a moment in the story from Aunt Maxi’s POV—a moment when she chases down a runaway hound , trips over a baby stroller , and still manages to bring some Southern charm (and a bit of chaos) to a high-stakes situation.

So . . . it’s a wild ride through the boardwalk!

Here’s a little excerpt:

“Outta the way, folks!” Aunt Maxi hollered, waving her arms dramatically. “Deputy on the loose!” Leaves swirled around us, their earthy scent mingling with the smell of the lake. This Friendsgiving Harvest Fest was turning out to be far more eventful than I’d anticipated.

Grab your bonus scene here! 


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