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✨ Recipe from “Moonlight, Marshmallows, & Manslaughter”! ✨


Hey there, fellow culinary detectives! Hold onto your taste buds, because I’ve got a sneak peek at something deliciously mysterious. Straight from the pages of this month’s thrilling release, “Moonlight, Marshmallows, & Manslaughter”, comes a recipe that’s bound to be a hit around your campfire: Grilled Fruit Skewers with Cinnamon-Honey Drizzle!


Ingredients for a Twist of Sweetness and Suspense:

A lineup of suspects… uh, I mean, assorted fruits like pineapples, peaches, nectarines, plums, or apples, cut into incriminatingly tasty chunks

Trusty wooden skewers, soaked in water to avoid any fiery accidents

A sprinkle of cinnamon to add a hint of mystery

Honey for that sweet drizzle of truth

And for the grand finale, a choice of yogurt or whipped cream to cover up… I mean, serve with!

Instructions that are as straightforward as our mystery is complex:

Fire up that campfire grill to a medium heat, as suspenseful as our unfolding tale.

Skewer those fruits with the precision of Mae West piecing together clues, creating a vibrant pattern on each stick.

Dust with cinnamon, as Mae dusts for fingerprints—lightly and with purpose.

Grill the skewers for about 2-3 minutes on each side until they’re as warm and slightly charred as the secrets hiding in Normal, Kentucky.

Drizzle with honey as Mae drizzles hints to the Laundry Club Ladies.

Serve straight up or with a dollop of creamy alibi—I mean, yogurt or whipped cream!

Indulge in these Grilled Fruit Skewers while you unravel the mystery that haunts Normal, Kentucky, during National Wildflower Week. From a botanist with groundbreaking findings to a land developer with murky intentions, every bite will bring you closer to the truth.

Dive into “Moonlight, Marshmallows & Manslaughter” for a tantalizing tale of small-town charm, natural beauty, and the pursuit of justice. Will Mae and the Laundry Club Ladies solve the case, or will the killer slip through their fingers like smoke through the trees?

Remember, in Normal, Kentucky, the only thing normal is the unexpected—much like finding a new favorite dessert among your mystery novels!

Snag your copy and join the investigation here: Moonlight, Marshmallows & Manslaughter.

Happy reading and even happier eating, friends! ️‍♀️

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